Monday, November 8, 2010

Imaging: Learning Module Number Five... Almost Done!

Learning module 5: Imaging for the web and introduction to web 2.0 was quite interesting. The first lesson on file sharing was something that all college students are familiar with. I love the Kid Rock video that said we should just go out and steal things. I love people with dry sense of humor. I was surprised when the poll results came in for the file sharing. When I was in high school and CDS just became popular, it was expensive. I feel record labels did charge too much for music before. Because of all the P2P sites have blown up, the music companies have reduced charges for songs and albums. I don’t really mine paying the current prices. This lesson also tied in with a previous module on cyber security.
There are some interesting sources I used to find out more about the issue on peer to peer file sharing. The main website I use when I want to find articles is or
 The lesson on image optimizing was informative.  I did not know that you need to reduce the size of images to be put on the web. For all of our assignments in this module were lengthy but didn’t feel like it. Work is so much easier when you enjoy it. I loved making the slide shows and the page on the Coliseum in Rome. When school is over, I would love to eventually make my daughter a page. I think when she gets old she will enjoy it. Goodness knows what kinds of technology will be around when she starts college. I used Google’s a lot in this module.
The thing I enjoyed the most was being able to see my classmates work.
Four New Words
Image Optimizing-  Making images smaller so they can be viewed on the web.
Tag Clouds- This groups terms together with other related terms. Which helps you search better and get better results. And have related information
Online Slide Show- A group of related photos that captures the eye of viewers
Bit-Mapped Images- It is an image that is displayed as colored points on a grid

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